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    • 當前位置:首頁>海珀新聞>新聞資訊黑夾克直埋式直縫鋼管具有杰出的機械功能和絕熱功能


      來源:http://www.qndr49.cn 日期:2018-11-29 發(fā)布人:admin
      Black jacket straight seam steel pipe has outstanding mechanical and adiabatic functions
      Polyurethane direct-buried insulating steel pipe is an ideal product for central heating because of its good quality and low price. The rapid starting speed of polyurethane insulating pipe usually occurs in spring and summer or in noon construction. Because of the sudden rise in temperature, the temperature is too high. The black material can be cooled by cold water or naturally placed outdoors at night to prevent direct sunshine. Salesmen and customers who have inquiries can call for consultation or come to the factory for investigation.
      Polyurethane foam insulation pipe, polyurethane directly buried insulation pipe, also known as "tube in tube", has a "two step method" consisting of high density polyethylene external protective layer, polyurethane rigid foam plastic pipe and steel pipe.
      1. Anti-corrosive coating: Protect external steel pipe from corrosive substances, prolong the service life of steel pipe.
      2.外護鋼管: 保護保溫層免受地下水腐蝕,支撐作業(yè)管并能接受必定的外部荷載,確保作業(yè)管正常作業(yè)。
      2. External steel pipe protection: to protect the insulation layer from groundwater corrosion, to support the operation pipe and to accept certain external loads, to ensure the normal operation of the operation pipe.
      3.聚氨酯泡沫層: 確保介質溫度,確保外護管表面堅持常溫。
      3. polyurethane foam layer: ensure the temperature of the medium and ensure the surface of the outer tube is kept at normal temperature.
      4.阻隔、反射層: 確保有機泡沫資料不進入無機硬質耐高溫層;反射耐高溫層部分熱量。
      4. barrier, reflective layer: ensure that the organic foam data do not enter the inorganic rigid high temperature resistant layer; reflect the heat resistant part of the heat.
      5. inorganic hard insulation: high temperature, ensure the interface temperature between the organic insulation layer and ensure that the foam is not carbonized.
      6.減阻層: 確保作業(yè)鋼管熱脹冷縮自在運動。
      6. Drag Reduction Layer: Ensure that the hot expansion, cold contraction and free movement of the working steel pipe.
      7. Operating steel pipe: Ensure the normal activities of transport media.
      保溫層資料為密度60kg/m380kg/m3的硬質聚氨酯泡沫,充沛添滿鋼管與套管之間的空隙,并具有必定的粘接強度,使鋼管、外套管及保溫層三者之間形成一個結實的全體。 聚氨酯發(fā)泡保溫鋼管泡沫具有杰出的機械功能和絕熱功能,通常情況下可耐溫120℃經(jīng)過改性或與其它隔熱資料組合可耐溫180℃。保溫層資料為密度60kg/m380kg/m3的硬質聚氨酯泡沫,充沛添滿鋼管與套管之間的空隙,并具有必定的粘接強度,使鋼管、外套管及保溫層三者之間形成一個結實的全體。
      The insulation layer material is rigid polyurethane foam with density 60kg/m3 to 80kg/m3, which fully filled the gap between the steel pipe and the casing, and has a certain bonding strength, so that a solid whole can be formed between the three parts of the steel pipe, the outer sleeve pipe and the insulation layer. Polyurethane foam insulation steel tube foam has outstanding mechanical function and adiabatic function. Under normal circumstances, it can withstand 120 degrees of temperature and is able to withstand temperature of 180 degrees when modified or combined with other heat insulation materials. The insulation layer material is rigid polyurethane foam with density 60kg/m3 to 80kg/m3, which fully filled the gap between the steel pipe and the casing, and has a certain bonding strength, so that a solid whole can be formed between the three parts of the steel pipe, the outer sleeve pipe and the insulation layer.
      Polyurethane foam insulation steel tube foam has outstanding mechanical function and adiabatic function. Under normal circumstances, it can withstand 120 degrees of temperature and be able to heat resistant polyurethane foam insulation pipe after modification or other heat insulation data.
      In summary, all the above-mentioned Shandong Hipper Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd. provides, want to know more about the black jacket straight-seam steel pipe, welcome to pay attention to our website: http://www.qndr49.cn Thank you for your support!

      產(chǎn)品:   聚氨酯保溫鋼管廠家 濟南保溫管 黑夾克直埋式直縫鋼管

      山東海珀管業(yè)科技發(fā)展有限公司  網(wǎng)站備案號:魯ICP備18049456號 
      電話:13953119851 座機:0531—67819251 地址:山東省濟南市長清區(qū)濟南經(jīng)濟開發(fā)區(qū)南園金輪路9017號 




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