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    • 當(dāng)前位置:首頁(yè)>海珀新聞>常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題濟(jì)南保溫管有什么特點(diǎn)?


      來(lái)源:http://www.qndr49.cn 日期:2020-08-08 發(fā)布人:admin
      保溫管是絕熱管道的簡(jiǎn)稱,保溫 管用于液體、氣體及其他介質(zhì)的輸送,在石油、化工、航天、溫泉~軍事、集中供熱、空調(diào)、市政等管道的絕熱工程保溫。那濟(jì)南保溫管有什么特點(diǎn)呢?今天海珀管業(yè)小編帶大家了解一下:
      Insulation pipe is the abbreviation of heat insulation pipeline. It is used for the transportation of liquid, gas and other media. It is used in thermal insulation engineering of petroleum, chemical, aerospace, hot spring ~ military, central heating, central air conditioning, municipal pipeline, etc. What are the characteristics of Jinan insulation pipe? Today, Harper pipe industry will take you to know:
      High temperature prefabricated directly buried insulation pipe - Advantages
      1 具有很強(qiáng)的耐腐蝕和防水能力,綜合造價(jià)低
      It has strong corrosion resistance and water-proof ability and low comprehensive cost
      According to the calculation of relevant departments, under normal circumstances, the double pipe heating pipeline can reduce the project cost by about 25% (using glass fiber reinforced plastic as the protective layer) and 10% (using high-density polyethylene as the protective layer).
      2 熱損耗低,節(jié)約能源。 熱損耗僅為傳統(tǒng)管材的25%
      2. Low heat loss and energy saving. The heat loss is only 25% of the traditional pipe material
      直埋保溫管 導(dǎo)熱系數(shù) 0.022kcal/m.h.℃ 憎水率 0.03kg/cm³
      The thermal conductivity of directly buried insulation pipe is 0.022kcal/m.h. ℃ and the hydrophobic rate is 0.03kg/cm3
      3 使用壽命長(zhǎng)
      3 long service life
      Correct installation and use can make the service life of pipe network reach 30-50 years, and the maintenance cost is very low.
      4 占地少 施工快 有利于環(huán)境保護(hù)
      4. Less land occupation and faster construction is conducive to environmental protection
      能減少土方開(kāi)挖量50%以上 減少土建砌筑和混凝土量90%
      It can reduce the volume of earth excavation by more than 50% and reduce the amount of civil masonry and concrete by 90%
      Technical index of insulation pipe
      技術(shù)性能 單位 技術(shù)
      Technical performance unit technology
      容量 Kg/m3 45-60
      Capacity kg / m3 45-60
      導(dǎo)熱系數(shù) W/m.k 0.016-0.024
      Thermal conductivity w / m.k 0.016-0.024
      使用溫度 ℃ -90-+120
      Service temperature ℃ - 90 - + 120
      閉孔率 % ≥97
      Closure rate% ≥ 97
      吸水率 Kg/m2 ≤0.2
      Water absorption kg / m2 ≤ 0.2
      氧指數(shù) h ≥26
      Oxygen index H ≥ 26
      抗壓強(qiáng)度 Mpa ≥200
      Compressive strength MPa ≥ 200
      It is much lower than other insulation pipe materials used in the past, and the insulation effect is increased by 4 ~ 9 times. Moreover, its water absorption rate is very low, about 0.2kg/m2. The reason for low water absorption is that the polyurethane foam has a closed porosity of about 92%. Low thermal conductivity and low water absorption, together with insulation layer and high-density polyethylene or glass fiber reinforced plastic protective shell with good waterproof performance, have changed the situation of "wearing wet cotton padded jacket" in traditional trench laying heating pipeline, and greatly reduced the overall heat loss of heat supply pipeline. The heat loss of heat supply network is 2%, less than the international standard of 10%.
      Anticorrosion, good insulation and long service life.
      The insulation pipe is tightly adhered to the outer skin of the steel pipe because of the rigid polyurethane foam insulation layer, which can isolate the infiltration of air and water, and can play a good anti-corrosive effect. At the same time, its foam cells are closed, water absorption is very small. High density polyethylene (HDPE) and glass fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) shells have good anticorrosion, insulation and mechanical properties. Therefore, the outer skin of the working steel pipe is hard to be eroded by the outside air and water. As long as the internal water quality of the pipeline is well treated, according to foreign information, the service life of high-temperature prefabricated directly buried insulation pipe can reach more than 50 years, which is 3-4 times longer than that of traditional trench laying and overhead laying.
      It has the advantages of less land occupation, fast construction and environmental protection.
      The directly buried heat supply pipeline does not need to build a huge trench, but only needs to bury the insulation pipe underground. Therefore, the land occupation of the project is greatly reduced, the amount of earthwork excavation is reduced by more than 50%, and the amount of civil masonry and concrete is reduced by 90%. At the same time, the insulation pipe processing and field trenching are carried out in parallel, and the construction period can be shortened by more than 50% by only using field joints.
      The above is the whole content shared by Harper pipe industry. If you have any other questions, please contact us below or visit the website.http://www.qndr49.cn

      產(chǎn)品:   聚氨酯保溫鋼管廠家 濟(jì)南保溫管 黑夾克直埋式直縫鋼管

      山東海珀管業(yè)科技發(fā)展有限公司  網(wǎng)站備案號(hào):魯ICP備18049456號(hào) 
      電話:13953119851 座機(jī):0531—67819251 地址:山東省濟(jì)南市長(zhǎng)清區(qū)濟(jì)南經(jīng)濟(jì)開(kāi)發(fā)區(qū)南園金輪路9017號(hào) 




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