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    • 當前位置:首頁>海珀新聞>常見問題聚氨酯無縫鋼管保溫管使用的參數介紹


      來源:http://www.qndr49.cn 日期:2020-09-29 發(fā)布人:admin
      Polyurethane foam insulation seamless steel pipe does not need to be attached with pipe trench, and can be directly buried in the ground or water. The construction is simple and rapid, and the comprehensive cost is low. It also has good corrosion resistance and impact resistance at low temperature, and can be directly buried in the underground frozen soil. The service life can reach 30-50 years, and the maintenance cost of pipe network can be reduced by correct installation and use. Alarm system can be set to automatically detect the leakage fault of pipe network, accurately indicate the fault location and alarm automatically.
      The polyurethane directly buried thermal insulation pipe is tightly adhered to the outer skin of the steel pipe because of the rigid polyurethane foam insulation layer, which can isolate the infiltration of air and water, and can play a good anti-corrosive effect. At the same time, its foam cells are closed, water absorption is very small. HDPE shell and polyurethane seamless steel pipe insulation pipe shell have good anticorrosion, insulation and mechanical properties. Therefore, the outer skin of the working steel pipe is hard to be eroded by the outside air and water. The reason for low water absorption is that the polyurethane foam has a closed porosity of about 92%. The color generally has black and yellow, namely black jacket and yellow jacket.
      Polyurethane seamless steel pipe insulation pipe
      Polyurethane seamless steel pipe insulation pipe is popular because of its excellent performance, convenient construction and long service life. Its structure is composed of three parts: outer protective layer, thermal insulation layer and anti leakage layer. The outer protective layer is polyethylene jacket pipe or glass fiber reinforced plastic or other materials. There are three ways of laying: directly buried, overhead and trench.
      Characteristics of polyurethane insulation pipe products:
      1. Resistant to high temperature and high pressure, suitable for medium temperature 350 ℃, pressure 2.5MPa
      2. The heat consumption is low and the insulation effect is better than any traditional heat preservation method
      3. It has strong anti-corrosion ability, high strength and is not easy to be damaged
      4. Long service life, up to 30-50 years
      5. Good temperature resistance, stable performance, long-term use.
      Polyurethane seamless steel pipe insulation pipe
      聚氨酯發(fā)泡保溫無縫鋼管在管道安裝中常用的一種連接用管件,連接兩根公稱通徑相同或者不同的管子,使管路做一定角度轉彎。 1.以材質劃分碳鋼,鑄鋼,合金鋼,不銹鋼,銅,鋁合金,塑料,硌瀝,PVC,PPR等。 2.以制作方法劃分可分為推制、壓制、鍛制、鑄造等。 3.以制造標準劃分可分為國標、電標、水標、美標、德標、日標、俄標等。 4.按它的曲率半徑來分:可分為長半徑彎頭和短半徑彎頭。
      Polyurethane foam thermal insulation seamless steel pipe is a kind of pipe fitting commonly used in the pipeline installation. It connects two pipes with the same or different nominal diameters to make the pipeline turn at a certain angle. 1. Carbon steel, cast steel, alloy steel, stainless steel, copper, aluminum alloy, plastic, leach, PVC, PPR, etc. 2. It can be divided into pushing, pressing, forging, casting, etc. 3. According to the manufacturing standard, it can be divided into national standard, electric standard, water standard, American Standard, German standard, Japanese standard, Russian standard, etc. 4. According to its curvature radius, it can be divided into long radius elbow and short radius elbow.
      This article is organized and released by the manufacturer of polyurethane insulated steel pipe. Do you have any understanding of these contents? For more information, please click: http://www.qndr49.cn We'll have a lot more to see.

      產品:   聚氨酯保溫鋼管廠家 濟南保溫管 黑夾克直埋式直縫鋼管

      山東海珀管業(yè)科技發(fā)展有限公司  網站備案號:魯ICP備18049456號 
      電話:13953119851 座機:0531—67819251 地址:山東省濟南市長清區(qū)濟南經濟開發(fā)區(qū)南園金輪路9017號 




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