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    • 當前位置:首頁>海珀新聞>新聞資訊鋼套鋼直埋蒸汽保溫鋼管的生產(chǎn)工藝及結(jié)構(gòu)


      來源:http://www.qndr49.cn 日期:2019-06-14 發(fā)布人:admin
      The steel covered steel directly buried steam insulation pipe is made up of a super fine glass wool which is filled with a steel pipe, an anticorrosive coat pipe, and a steel tube filled with a steel tube. Steel sleeve (steel sleeve) embedding technology is a new embedding technology of waterproof, leak-proof, impermeability, compression and full blockade. It is a great break in the application of direct embedding technology in areas with high open water level. The first problem of the maintenance pipe of Jiazhiyuan direct buried pipeline is the reliability of tight waterproofing. In addition, it should have good mechanical strength. Because of the high strength of the steel sleeve, the sealing performance of waterproofing is very reliable. In addition, the high temperature resistance of the steel sleeve can not be compared with other external maintenance pipes. In the area with high open water level, in order to ensure that the open water does not affect the normal operation of the directly buried steam pipeline, the outer maintenance layer* adopts a consolidated and closed steel tube shell. Work on safety education has been carried out in general and good divisions have been made.
      In order to achieve the purpose of removing impurities. In addition, we can also use high-pressure water liquidation, high-pressure water sand liquidation and other methods, these methods have good cleaning effect, high efficiency, and significant comprehensive economic benefits. It can effectively prolong the service life of steel-jacketed insulating pipes in Sichuan. Therefore, in recent years, the application of steel-jacketed insulating pipes has developed rapidly. Directly buried thermal insulation pipe directly buried precast insulation pipe, referred to as "tube in tube" or "jacket pipe", is an excellent composite adhesive for polyurethane foam, which is used to separate the polyethylene shell or glass fiber reinforced plastic shell and rigid polyamine foam and steel pipe as a whole when foaming. Because of its good thermal insulation performance, waterproof, anti-corrosion, long service life and cumbersome construction, this pipe is recognized as thermal insulation material at home and abroad. On the premise of guaranteeing production and quality, our company acts as the site construction for users. High density polyethylene (HDPE) prefabricated directly buried insulating pipes are divided into three layers from inside to outside. The first layer is working steel pipe layer. Seamless pipe (GB8163-87), spiral welded pipe (GB9711-88; SY/T5038-92) and straight welded pipe (GB3092-93) are generally selected according to the design and customer's request.
      Long service life. It occupies less land, constructs quickly and maintains favorable environment. Safety. To provide users with the necessary means of heat source, in the disposal of the above nodes, under normal conditions, fixed points are set at three or four junctions to ensure the stability of the pipeline, and natural compensation is set on the branch line to reduce the thrust on the trunk line. Three-way and different-diameter pipes can stop on-site heat preservation, and can also be made into prefabricated parts. According to the displacement given by the design, the T-shaped steel jacket can be properly increased, and the insulation thickness in the direction of branch pipe can be increased. Three-thirds of the data, seven-thirds of the construction is not too much, especially the process of surface disposal is often ignored. It can be said that the importance of surface disposal is no less than paint. After surface disposal of steel, the original adhesives are removed. Increased surface roughness can greatly improve the adhesion between steel surface and coating. The better disposal method is sand blasting (pellet) rust removal.
      It consists of high density polyethylene external maintenance layer, polyurethane rigid foam plastic pipe and steel pipe. Polyurethane insulating pipe has low cost, less land occupation and fast construction. Polyurethane insulating pipes are energy-saving, anti-corrosion, good insulation function and long service life. In addition, polyurethane insulation pipes are equipped with leakage alarm lines, safe. Once leakage occurs somewhere in the pipeline industry, through the conduction of alarm lines, the leakage direction and leakage level of insulation pipe industry can be displayed on special testing instruments, so as to inform the inspectors to deal with the leaking pipe section promptly. The steel-jacketed buried steam insulation pipe is made of the steel pipe for medium delivery and the anti-corrosion coated steel pipe. And the combination of super fine glass wool filled with steel pipe and outer steel pipe can also be made of graphite, calcium silicate tile and polyurethane foam. Steel sleeve (steel sleeve) embedding technology is a new embedding technology of waterproof, leak-proof, impermeability, compression and full blockade. It is a great break in the application of direct embedding technology in areas with high open water level.
      External protective pipe and insulation layer do not move, exterior protective pipe can be FRP, steel pipe, etc., generally for composite type; exterior sliding insulation pipe is the work pipe driving heat preservation movement together when heating, exterior protective pipe and the roller on the work pipe contact, and exterior protective pipe does not move, ordinary insulation layer is glass wool insulation material, exterior protective pipe can only use steel pipe. It won't cost much. And for those enterprises with large steel tube usage, the cost of maintenance will be much higher in one year. And this problem, after a kind of pipeline is presented, is thoroughly dealt with, which is seamless steel pipe. Because of the seamless steel pipe, in the process of manufacturing, it is very important to pay attention to the oxidation resistance of the pipeline. Before the final forming of the pipeline, a layer of rare metal coating will be added to the inner and outer walls of the pipeline to insulate the air. This makes seamless steel pipe, about the use of the environment, basically no request, daily maintenance is not required. Perhaps in many people's impression, steel pipe is very heavy.
      Thank you for reading and watching, the wonderful content of this article comes from: Jinan insulation pipe we will have more wonderful content to continue to show you, details please click: http://www.qndr49.cn

      產(chǎn)品:   聚氨酯保溫鋼管廠家 濟南保溫管 黑夾克直埋式直縫鋼管

      山東海珀管業(yè)科技發(fā)展有限公司  網(wǎng)站備案號:魯ICP備18049456號 
      電話:13953119851 座機:0531—67819251 地址:山東省濟南市長清區(qū)濟南經(jīng)濟開發(fā)區(qū)南園金輪路9017號 




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