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    • 當(dāng)前位置:首頁(yè)>海珀新聞>新聞資訊聚氨酯復(fù)合保溫管怎樣


      來源:http://www.qndr49.cn 日期:2018-12-24 發(fā)布人:admin
      How about Polyurethane Composite Insulation Pipe
      At present, polyurethane direct-buried insulation pipes are widely used in a variety of large-scale pipeline insulation projects, including petroleum and chemical engineering projects, urban heat network projects, municipal construction projects and so on. It can adapt to the temperature range from minus 70 degrees Celsius to minus 160 degrees Celsius.
      Due to its special material, polyurethane directly buried insulation pipe can also play an insulating role. It can stop heating the material in the pipeline, bring convenience to the construction in the construction process, and extend the service life.
      In the process of application of polyurethane direct-buried insulation pipe, its external maintenance is well done, such as the insulation layer can prevent leakage, and there is an external maintenance layer. Therefore, in the process of application, the construction personnel can choose the appropriate application scope according to different levels.
      Polyurethane composite insulating pipe belongs to its insulation pipeline, which is an insulating engineering product in the pipeline of petroleum, chemical, aerospace and central heating. And this kind of insulating pipeline product also loses the favor of many consumers. How about polyurethane composite insulating pipe which is popular with consumers? Above we polyurethane insulation pipe manufacturers to introduce to you, so that you have a better understanding of it.
      Polyurethane composite insulating pipe has its strong ability of corrosion resistance and waterproof, the overall cost is very low, and its heat loss is very low, can ineffective waste of power. Its service life is usually 30-50 years, and the maintenance cost of polyurethane insulation pipe is very low. It occupies less land and constructs quickly, which is conducive to the maintenance of the environment. At the same time, it can increase the amount of earthwork excavation by more than 50%, so you can use it with concern.
      The above short text is provided by Shandong Hipper Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd. To learn more about Jinan insulation pipe knowledge, welcome to pay attention to our website: http://www.qndr49.cn Thank you!!

      產(chǎn)品:   聚氨酯保溫鋼管廠家 濟(jì)南保溫管 黑夾克直埋式直縫鋼管

      山東海珀管業(yè)科技發(fā)展有限公司  網(wǎng)站備案號(hào):魯ICP備18049456號(hào) 
      電話:13953119851 座機(jī):0531—67819251 地址:山東省濟(jì)南市長(zhǎng)清區(qū)濟(jì)南經(jīng)濟(jì)開發(fā)區(qū)南園金輪路9017號(hào) 




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