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    • 當前位置:首頁>海珀新聞>常見問題鍍鋅鐵皮聚氨酯保溫鋼管使用性能及特點介紹


      來源:http://www.qndr49.cn 日期:2019-07-15 發(fā)布人:admin
      Galvanized iron polyurethane insulating steel pipe is mainly composed of four parts. Working steel pipe: According to the technical requirements of the medium, straight seam steel pipe, seamless steel pipe and double-sided submerged arc spiral welded pipe are used respectively. Insulation layer: rigid polyurethane foam. Shell: High density polyethylene or glass fiber. Leakage alarm line: production high temperature, prefabricated directly buried to the steel pipe insulation pipe, embedded in the same warning line, but where the pipeline leakage, through the transmission of the warning line, can be applied to detect instrument alarm, accurate positioning, leakage degree of leakage, in order to inform maintenance personnel to quickly deal with the leakage of the pipeline section, to protect. Safe operation of heat supply pipeline network.
      1. When polyurethane is poured, the construction environment temperature should be 10-40 C and the relative humidity should be less than 80%.
      2. The rigid foam polyurethane insulation layer after filling should be fully ripened before the construction of the next process.
      3. The surface of rigid foam polyurethane insulation layer after filling should be smooth without obvious depression and prominence. Diligence is not innate, but acquired by oneself. There are many reasons for diligence, some are ambition and belief, others are because of some reason or frustration in something, so diligence. However, as long as we are diligent in our work, there will be a certainty of success. Insulation pipes are abbreviated as insulating pipes. They are used for the transportation of liquid, gas and other media. They are used in the insulation projects of petroleum, chemical, aerospace, military shi, central heating, air conditioning, municipal and other pipes.
      Notices to be paid attention to in construction:
      1. The soaking of groundwater and rainwater should be avoided during construction. If the end is immersed inadvertently, drying treatment should be done before connecting the jacket.
      2. Pipes should be stored in a flat site, neatly coded, and the coded height should be less than 1.5 meters.
      3. Pipe hoisting is light and light, collision and throwing are forbidden, and pipe body is forbidden to be hoisted by wire rope.
      4. Insulation layer and anticorrosive layer should avoid direct flame contact. For site installation, please follow the following procedures: trench excavation - basement treatment (drainage, sand cushion) - lower pipe - pipe welding - Inspection (water pressure) - Installation (pressure test) - foaming - sealing foaming holes. Joint Installation? The company can dispatch personnel to the engineering site for joint insulation, including joint casing installation, connection and sealing between joint casing and supervisor, and foaming work of field joint, but excluding welding work of joint steel pipe.
      鍍鋅鐵皮聚氨酯保溫鋼管是我們生活中經(jīng)常使用到的,它也被全稱為高密度聚乙烯塑料外護聚氨酯泡沫預制直埋保溫管,它的主要作用就是用于用于液體、氣體的輸送管網(wǎng), 化工管道保溫工程石油、化工、集中供熱熱網(wǎng)、空調(diào)通風管道、市政工程等。
      Galvanized iron polyurethane insulated steel pipe is often used in our life. It is also known as high-density polyethylene plastic external protective polyurethane foam precast directly buried insulation pipe, its main role is used for liquid and gas transportation pipeline network, chemical pipe insulation engineering, stone oil, chemical industry, central heating network, air conditioning. Ventilation pipeline, municipal engineering, etc.
      有了聚氨酯保溫鋼管廠家上面的小總結(jié),希望對廣大客戶有所幫助,如果有什么不理解的或者尋求幫助的請點擊我們的網(wǎng)站:http://www.qndr49.cn 或者來電咨詢,我們會盡全力為您
      With the summary of polyurethane insulating steel pipe manufacturers, I hope it will be helpful to our customers. If you don't understand or seek help, please click on our website: http://www.qndr49.cn or call for consultation. We will try our best to solve it for you.

      產(chǎn)品:   聚氨酯保溫鋼管廠家 濟南保溫管 黑夾克直埋式直縫鋼管

      山東海珀管業(yè)科技發(fā)展有限公司  網(wǎng)站備案號:魯ICP備18049456號 
      電話:13953119851 座機:0531—67819251 地址:山東省濟南市長清區(qū)濟南經(jīng)濟開發(fā)區(qū)南園金輪路9017號 




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