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    • 當(dāng)前位置:首頁>海珀新聞>常見問題3PE防腐鋼管罕見成績(jī)


      來源:http://www.qndr49.cn 日期:2019-01-07 發(fā)布人:admin
      Rare Achievements of 3PE Anticorrosive Steel Pipe
      The main straight pipe of 3PE anticorrosive steel pipe is to stop the anticorrosive layer prefabrication in the factory, reserve the filling section, then stop welding at the site, and then use the thermal expansion sleeve or thermal expansion belt to repair the joint. As for the bending pipe, at present, more technology is used to stop the same grade of 3PE anticorrosive with thermal shrinkage winding belt. But this anticorrosive technology defect is unable to mechanize the pipeline construction, only manual winding, which is comparatively time-consuming. Moreover, the cost of data is very high, and the quality of construction has a great impact on the quality of anti-corrosion, so the quality control is difficult to compare. At present, the design units have retrieved the anticorrosive technology of the new double-layer epoxy plus anticorrosive tape. This technology has abundantly applied the excellent anticorrosion function of low temperature melted epoxy powder, and can be sprayed mechanically, and the cost of the additional anticorrosive tape is comparatively low. Since the formation of this technology, the external winding anticorrosive tape can be used as the external maintenance structure of the coating, which can effectively eliminate the defects of thin thickness of double-layer epoxy powder coating, easy to fall off and collide and make the anticorrosive layer effective.
      In practice, polyethylene anti-corrosion tape and polypropylene reinforced fiber anti-corrosion tape can be selected as the varieties of anti-corrosion tape. Polyethylene anti-corrosive tape has good ductility, flexibility, and the wear resistance of polypropylene anti-corrosive tape is higher. Therefore, at present, polypropylene reinforced fiber anti-corrosive tape is the most preferred choice, which originates from its excellent mechanical strength. Of course, the comprehensive anticorrosive function of this process, especially the strength of the anticorrosive coating, is slightly worse than stopping anticorrosive with hot wrapping tape. Pipes are easy to be damaged and damaged in transportation and construction, and further improvement is needed.
      For our anticorrosive steel pipe market, from the micro point of view, the price of anticorrosive steel pipe continues to decline. Secondly, due to the excess production of many steel products, there is a trend of oversupply in the anticorrosive steel pipe market, so the price will decline. In the past year, our anticorrosive steel pipe market still needs to stop consolidating, but in the past year, it is difficult to raise the price of anticorrosive steel pipe to a certain height in a short period of time. Nowadays, many manufacturers are desperately trying to stop losing money in order to increase their inventory pressure. Experts estimate that with the continuous warming of our urban construction, the market demand for anticorrosive steel pipes will be comparable in the future, so it is hopeful that the anticorrosive steel pipe market will stop warming up.
      The above content is provided by Shandong Hipper Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd. To learn more about polyurethane insulation pipe manufacturers, you can pay attention to our website: http://www.qndr49.cn Thank you!

      產(chǎn)品:   聚氨酯保溫鋼管廠家 濟(jì)南保溫管 黑夾克直埋式直縫鋼管

      山東海珀管業(yè)科技發(fā)展有限公司  網(wǎng)站備案號(hào):魯ICP備18049456號(hào) 
      電話:13953119851 座機(jī):0531—67819251 地址:山東省濟(jì)南市長(zhǎng)清區(qū)濟(jì)南經(jīng)濟(jì)開發(fā)區(qū)南園金輪路9017號(hào) 




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